Storytelling Suggestions for Rainy Days




Tell about something interesting that happened

in the last 24 hours.

(From Medicine Story.)



When you daydream, what do you tend to

daydream about?



Tell your Life Story.



Tell other personal-experience stories, such as

An eye-opening experience.

A turning point in one's life.



Tell about a favorite place of yours.

Take your listeners to a place only you know about.

Take them to a place only you can take them.

(From Donald Davis.)



Tell about your favourite ________.

(Fill in the blank.)



Tell a favourite "Grandmother Story" -- perhaps

one you heard during your childhood, or one

you have told to a child (Animal Fables, Fairytales,




Pretend you are walking in a forest. You meet

an old lady (or an old man) who is standing

under a tree. Talk with her. Ask her questions.

Answer her questions.



Take any 4 words and make a story out of them.

Take any 4 objects and make a story out of them.



Start with any real-life situation, and use

exaggeration and imagination to make a

fantasy "story" out of it.



Problems and Solutions.

Make a list of problems -- big and small,

personal and social. For each problem, give a solution.

Two possible ways to play this might be:


A problem I have faced in my life so far is _______________.

Possible solutions to this problem might include _______________.


A problem I have heard of someone else facing is _______________.

Possible solutions to this problem might include _______________.



Why Does She Feel That Way?

A character is "happy".  She might feel this way because _______.

Substitute other emotions, such as "angry", "sad", "impatient", "confused", "relieved", etc.

In each case, what might happen next?




With any story, one can --


Describe things using the five senses:

sight, sound, touch, smell, and flavour.


Add new episodes and characters.

Try different endings.

Change it any way you like.


Tell the story from the points of view

of various characters in the story.


Have a group of people act-out the

characters, and improvise the dialogue.


Add melody and/or rhythm to the telling --

as the narrator and/or as a character.


Identify one's favorite part, and one's least

favorite part.


* Sing it.

* Dance it.

* Draw it -- using pencil on paper, or with any other

materials; make props, masks, costumes, origami

(cut and folded paper), string figures, etc.

* Sculpt it -- in clay, etc.




Best regards,


- Eric


+91 98403 94282




